Seen by over 250K People

Over 850 Presentations

14 Years Running

Looking to break through the barriers of diversity programming?

Having a genuine discussion about pressing topics like race, gender, and justice is hard work. You’re navigating bias, skepticism, apathy, and even fear.

Our immersive dramatic experiences can be a part of your solution.

We’ve been honing our one-of-a-kind approach for 14 years—experience you can’t find anywhere else.

Case Study: University of Oregon School of Law Read More »

Free Screening Events for Just Cause and Defamation
February 18 & 19, 2024

Seen by over 250K People

Over 850 Presentations

14 Years Running


See what diversity experts have called one of the best events they’ve ever booked.

“A brilliant, shifting jigsaw puzzle of a coutroom drama…No one escapes the jury’s deliberations unchanged.”

Rabbi Debra Kassoff
Jackson, MS

“This is an in-your-face mash-up of race, class and law that gives you a view of two very different worlds… and then enlists you to take a stand. Right then and there as the jury! We need the frank conversations this play fearlessly ignites.”

Erika Harriss
Mindful Metropolis

“…Highly recommended for all institutions and organizations that seek high quality and effective diversity, equity, and inclusion professional development opportunities.”

BJ Kimbrough
Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Chief Diversity Officer
University of West Alabama

“The play is extraordinarily well-written—provocative and engrossing, subtle yet resolutely inviting (if not demanding) that we reflect upon our prejudices.”

Susan Connor
Professor of Law
The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL

“Unlike any professional development our division has experienced and I know we will be talking about it for a long time.”

Jennifer Humphreys
Operations Associate for Student Affairs
Oregon State University

“The play is extraordinary and creates an active dialogue that is continuing over weeks and weeks after the performance. I commend Defamation as an effective resource to create dialogue to bridge the racial divide.”

William H. “Smitty” Smith
Founding Executive Director
National Center for Race Amity

“I would absolutely recommend this play to any teachers who are interested in having a complex discussion about race, class, religion and gender. My students were mesmerized and engaged..”

Jenifer Resnick
English Teacher
Glenbrook North High School, Northbrook, IL

“A beautiful stimulus to what amounts to good deep reflection and healthy conversation.”

Chris Esparza
Director of Diversity, Inclusion, & Leadership Development
University of Oregon School of Law

“…a powerful tool for initiating complex conversations around important critical issues.”

Rosemary Johnston
Assistant Principal, Student Affairs
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy

“…The reality of life’s toughest topics was presented with class.”

Ahmad El-Gendi
Orange County Bar Association, Orlando, FL

Our Approach & Philosophy — The Canamac Experience

Canamac Productions | 3-Phase Experience

Our 3-phase model is built with your goals and objectives in mind.

We approach each audience not as a trainer, but as a guide on a journey they’re beginning together. There’s no pop quiz, no definitions or jargon. We’re not telling anyone what to think or believe, but we are asking everyone to think critically, listen openly, and engage honestly. As jurors, we bring everyone together with a common goal—to find a verdict.

These 3 phases may sound simple—The Case, The Deliberation, The Discussion—but there’s a lot going on underneath the surface. We’re outcome-oriented, incorporating foundational elements from Motivational Interviewing, a powerful and proven approach to facilitating growth and change.

Phase 1: The Case

We begin by engaging in a way that can only be accomplished through storytelling. Participants are brought into a dynamic legal drama as jurors, and they’re able to lean in without judgement or confrontation.

As the riveting twists and turns unfold, participants are taking in the points of view from both sides of the case, and examining their own preconceived notions. How they begin to individually fill in the gaps leads into how their role as juror plays out.

Just Cause: The Experience »

Enter into this ripped-from-the-headlines legal drama set in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the death of George Floyd, #MeToo feminism, and social unrest at the heart of the story.

The Defamation Experience »

The original, nationally-acclaimed legal drama Defamation has been bringing audiences face-to-face with issues of race, class, gender, and the law for more than a decade.


Phase 2: The Deliberation

In the Deliberation, we focus participants toward their goal to find a verdict. A working alliance is formed that allows for respectful sharing of observations and perspectives surrounding these difficult topics. It becomes clear that not everyone agrees, yet the discussion remains both respectful and productive. The empowering role of juror, for many, becomes transformative.

Phase 3: The Discussion

Once the jury reaches a verdict, the fictional world recedes as we move into a discussion that focuses back on the real world. We examine how we’ve worked together so far in this journey and the insights we can gain from it. Participants are asked to consider questions like what usually makes this so difficult? How can I better engage with others outside of an experience like this? What am I bringing back to my role here? What are my action steps for the change I want to see?

We know based on years of feedback that these conversations continue long after we’re gone—often for days, weeks, and months—allowing you to build on the momentum we generate.

Dive Into The Story

Preview scenes from our exclusive dramatic productions

Just Cause: The Experience

Ripped From The Headlines

Just Cause: The Experience »

Enter into this ripped-from-the-headlines legal drama set in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the death of George Floyd, #MeToo feminism, and social unrest at the heart of the story.
The Defamation Experience

A Timeless Classic

The Defamation Experience »

The original, nationally-acclaimed legal drama Defamation has been bringing audiences face-to-face with issues of race, class, gender, and the law for more than a decade.

Programming Options

Flexible and customizable to meet your needs

Interactive Immersion

2 Hours 15 Minutes

Bring the full interactive experience to your audience, big or small.

Ideal for orientation programming, summit/keynote presentations, professional development, focused diversity events & initiatives, continuing legal education (CLE), and general campus- and office-wide events.

Colleges & Universities

Half-Day Workshop

4–5 Hours

Our fully-customized workshop is designed to deliver an actionable discussion based on your goals an objectives within a targeted group.

Ideal for leadership summits, ERG & SGA events, board & administrative retreats, human resources workshops, and more.

Workplace Background

Sectors & Experience

We’ve worked with everyone from hospital system CEOs to 6th graders

Colleges & Universities
Our programming has been presented to colleges & universities across the country, including Boston University, California State University, College of William & Mary, DePaul University, Florida A&M University, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, MIT School of Architecture & Planning, Penn State University, Purdue University, Valparaiso University, and many more.

We’ve also presented to higher-ed focused organizations, such as the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA).

See Where We’ve Been »

Our programming has been presented to students, faculty, and staff across the country from grades 6-12, including schools such as Appoquinimionk School District, Association of Independent Michigan Schools, Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, Horace Mann School, Milton Academy, Tempe-Union High School District, Xavier High School, and many more.

See Where We’ve Been »

Law Schools
Our programming has been presented to law schools across the country, including Boston University School of Law, DePaul University College of Law, Hofstra University School of Law, Roger Williams University School of Law, South Texas College of Law, St. Thomas University School of Law, and University of Minnesota Law School. 

We’ve also presented to a diverse set of legal organizations, such as the Law School Admissions Council and the National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals (NALSAP).

See Where We’ve Been »

Law Firms & Legal Organizations
Our programming has been presented to law firms and bar associations across the country, including the state bars of Illinois, Nebraska, and Rhode Island, and the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association. Ask about tailoring our experience as a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit opportunity.

We’ve also presented to a diverse set of legal organizations, such as the Law School Admissions Council, the National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals (NALSAP), and the Valley Community Legal Foundation in California.

See Where We’ve Been »

Religious & Community
Synagogues, churches, and community organizations have been part of our audiences from the beginning. Our programming has been presented to community-focused & civic organizations across the country and around the world.

We recently presented to members of a worldwide religious group in 11 countries with a seamless virtual experience.

See Where We’ve Been »

Workplace & Government
Our programming has been presented to businesses and organizations big and small, including the Oregon State Treasury, Corgan (Architecture & Design), Premier Health, Huron-Clinton Metroparks, Chambers of Commerce, and even an entire legal counsel department for the Americas with a simultaneous hybrid event in 6 countries.

See Where We’ve Been »

Ready to get started?

Reach out to learn how we can tailor our experience for your organization.