Collaborative Engagement

Half-Day Workshop

Based on The Defamation Experience
and Just Cause: The Experience
Bring the power of collaborative engagement to your team through our unique immersive workshop experience.

Our unique program is tailored based on your audience, your desired engagement styles, and your objectives, in a convenient half-day workshop format.

Let’s dive in together.

The modern workplace requires a higher level of collaboration and engagement, separate yet interrelated concepts that can nurture healthy relationships and positive outcomes for your team.

Here’s how it works:

Phase 1 – The Case: Engaged team members feel valuable and included. We begin the workshop by inviting participants to serve as members of a jury in a riveting legal drama. We use the power of theater and storytelling to bring your team into a world where contentious issues are woven into the case, yet they’re willing to genuinely and actively listen to understand the truth.

Phase 2 – The Deliberation: The case ends with the judge instructing jurors with what they need to consider to reach a verdict. There is no “smoking gun” in the evidence leading to an easy decision—the jury must work together to decide the outcome. Our judge takes participants point-by-point through the elements of the case and the issues surrounding them, leading them as they work together toward a common goal of finding a verdict.

Phase 3 – The Discussion: Our expert facilitator brings the collaboration and engagement forward as they guide particpants through a custom-built discussion. We use techniques from Motivational Interviewing to help participants both as individuals and as a group to uncover and apply insights from the experience to their role and your shared objectives. These conversations continue to resonate in the days, weeks, and months ahead, reinforcing foundational relationships for a stronger team environment.

What’s Included:

Our Travel: Our facilitator and judge travel to your location, leading the workshop in-person with your selected audience from start to finish

Exclusive Screening: The exclusive film of Defamation or Just Cause is streamed for Phase 1 of the experience

Jury Deliberation: Our judge leads a point-by-point jury deliberation with small and large group conversations as they decide the outcome of the case

Expert Facilitation: A discussion guided by our expert facilitator dives into topics we choose together, with a focus on meeting the objectives you have for the experience

Flexible Event Structure: The event structure is flexible to work within your schedule for the day, including breaks or other options to meet your needs

Key Takeaways:

With 13 years guiding these experiences and conversations with organizations like yours, we’ve crafted our programming to:

  • Provide an opportunity that lowers the often self-imposed barriers to meaningful engagement
  • Create an environment that models respectful & collaborative conversation about difficult or contentious topics
  • Encourage self-reflection and discovery around an individual’s role and how they integrate into the team dynamic
  • Engender long-lasting motivation to improve relationships and intentionality within your team

Tailored For Your Organization’s Needs

An ideal half-day experience appropriate for a myriad of audiences and events:

  • Orientation & Onboarding
  • Professional Development
  • Employee Resource Group (ERG) Events
  • Board & Leadership Retreats
  •  Student Leaders/Affinity Groups
  • Human Resources Programming
  • Special Diversity-Focused Events
  • Team Building Experiences


An ideal diversity program appropriate for a myriad of audiences and events:

  • Orientation & Onboarding
  • Professional Development
  • Employee Resource Group (ERG) Events
  • Board & Leadership Retreats
  • Student Leaders/Affinity Groups
  • Human Resources Programming
  • Special Diversity-Focused Events
  • Team Building Experiences


Preview Scenes

Seen by Over 250,000 People

Over 700 Presentations

12 Years Running

Corgan Architecture Firm
Penn State
Nossaman, LLP
Episcopal Day School of St. Matthew San Mateo
Premier Health
University of Oregon School of Law

Let's Start a Conversation.

Or, reach out to us directly to learn more.